
We strive to deliver accuracy in every single test; each time and every time.

SAGEPATH LABS has a policy to run its Operations with highest quality diagnostics services to its clients at all times
SAGEPATH LABS will abide by Good Laboratory Practices and will comply with National and International standards to meet this goal.

SAGEPATH LABS will follow standards of ISO 15189 (Medical laboratories — Requirements for quality and competence) and NABL 112 at all times to run its operations and will use only those procedures which are universally accepted and are time tested, recognized by National and International, Medical fraternity.It will strive to provide right report at right time to right Patients in a timely fashion to meet full satisfaction of its Clients, Customer and Patients.

SAGEPATH LABS has a policy to select Qualified, Trained and efficient staff for it’s operations and will provide on Job training to its staff for best performance.

SAGEPATH LABS has a policy to safe guard patient confidentiality at all times.it will provide a safe and secure atmosphere for its operations at all levels and comply to safety norms as per national and international guidelines.
SAGEPATH LABS has a policy to obtain feedback form its customers and will review its operations for time to time for meetng all their needs and to provide them services in a timely fashion and will strive for best clients satisfaction.

SAGEPATH LABS has a policy to maintains best Turn around time (TAT),Accuracy and cost of Laboratory tests to meet its customer needs.
